Tagged “dev”
govcy-frontend-prototype: A dynamic prototype tool
Posted on • Tagged with dev dsf design
A tool that builds functional prototypes for gov.cy services, using data instead of code.
Managing multi repository products with GitHub projects
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How to efficiently manage a multi-repository product using GitHub Projects.
Creating a reliable software release policy
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A look at the key aspects of a release policy and a practical checklist for seamless, high-quality software releases.
Why release versioning matters: A Guide to SemVer and automated publishing
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A look on why versioning matters, how Semantic Versioning (SemVer) works and how to implement an automated versioning workflow for products intended to be used by external teams and developers
Building a Dynamic HTML Renderer with Nunjucks and JSON Templates
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An overview on how a dynamic HTML renderer (gocvy-frontend-renderer) works
Enhancing the Unified Design System with automated visual testing (by DSF)
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How DSF uses Percy to perform automatic visual regression testing, to improve the quality of the Unified Design System and provide a more reliable user experience
Automating accessibility: Site-wide testing and reporting guide
Posted on • Tagged with dev accessibility eleventy ci-cd
Enhance your website's accessibility with automated testing and reporting. This guide walks you through the process of setting up and running accessibility checks across your site.
Writing a good README file
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Documentation is a key for any coding project and the README file is a big part of it. In this article you can find some best practices on how to write a good README file.
How to create new design elements using the utility classes (by DSF)
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A step-by-step guide for developers, from the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus, on how to create a brand new HTML design element using the gov.cy utility classes.
How to create a page using the gov.cy design system (by DSF)
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A step-by-step guide for developers, from the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus, on how to create a simple question page using DSF's reusable components.
Designing the Design System (by DSF)
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The way the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus creates consistent, clean, accessible and intuitive user experience throughout the services.
GitLab CI/CD and React Tests
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An example of Continuous Integration, this time with unit testing react components.
GitLab CI/CD and GitLab Pages
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In this post I will try and explain how to deploy a simple javascript application on GitLab pages, using Continuous Deployment with a live working example.
How I made my wordpress a PWA
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I discovered that it is fairly simple to convert your wordpress into a Progressive Web App, so I thought I’d share my experience
How I made my app a PWA
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A guide on through how I turned my last app into a PWA.
Why I made my app a PWA
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A walk through why I developed the Intellectual and Industrial Property eServices app as a Progressive Web App (or simply PWA).
Google Sheets script for Trello V2
Posted on • Tagged with google-sheets trello dev productivity
Since I have posted the Google Sheets script for Trello I made some updates to include members assigned to card and customfields value (power-up), so I thought I’d share the code.
Intellectual and Industrial Property eServices
Posted on • Tagged with dev pwa
Take a look at the brand new site of the Intellectual and Industrial Property of the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver of Cyprus (DRCOR).
Getting Organized with Google Sheets – Everything in one place
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A nice hack on how to Get Organized with Google Sheets and have Everything in one place.
Google Sheets Script for Web Apps
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Another Google App Script to show HTML as a web app following the same rules as in my previous post.
Google Sheets Script for email report
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A general purpose script to send the emails from contents of a specific sheet. When combining the script, with Google Spreadsheet build in functions and event triggers (in my case Time Driven triggers), you can pretty much automate any kind of report you like.
Google Sheets script for Trello
Posted on • Tagged with dev google-sheets trello productivity
I thought it might be interesting to have a Google Sheet with all the Trello Cards. I started working on it and I ended up with an interesting script and Google Sheet template, so I thought I’d share it with the world.
Online search registry (cRegistry)
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Recently I had a chance to create an online search system which can basically connect to any database type and search and display information. I tried to make the system as configurable as possible and it should be easy to adapt in any business environment so I thought I’d share my work. I called my system cRegistry (supposed to stand for Common Registry) :-).
Trello Kanban like Board for Issues and Tasks Tracking
Posted on • Tagged with dev trello
I have been experimenting with Trello with my coworkers and I found that using a Kanban like Boards for our organization’s IT issues, was working for us, so I thought I’d write about it.
Getting on top of things with MonitrAll
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Had to create platform to administer and monitor our crazy IT environments, called it MonitrAll
PHP Notificator
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We have been looking for an easy way to programmatically send email notifications to customers and came up with small php application to do just that.
PHP PDO Connect Everywhere
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We all know how cool PHP is. What is even cooler is using PHP with PDO to connect to … well basically everywhere.
PRINCE2 Project Management with Google Sheets
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I thought it would be nice to setup some Google Sheets to better manage the project. The idea was to create all my PRINCE2 Registers and Logs on Google Sheets and then have a Dashboard like Sheet (as in the picture above) to easily review the Project and create my Reports (such as Highlight reports). It all seems to have worked out nicely for me, so I thought I’d share my setup.
Schedule stuff with PHP
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I needed a way to schedule notifications with PHP so I turned to the Internet and made a quick search. I couldn’t find a nice post on the subject so I thought I’d make one hoping to help a little bit.
Nobody’s perfect when it comes to pixels
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So it seems that even big old mighty Google makes mistakes on its UI.
Serial Progress Bar for ASP.NET 3.5
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A guide to create an ASP.NET 3.5 serial progress barr