Tagged “trello”
Google Sheets script for Trello V2
Posted on • Tagged with google-sheets trello dev productivity
Since I have posted the Google Sheets script for Trello I made some updates to include members assigned to card and customfields value (power-up), so I thought I’d share the code.
Google Sheets script for Trello
Posted on • Tagged with dev google-sheets trello productivity
I thought it might be interesting to have a Google Sheet with all the Trello Cards. I started working on it and I ended up with an interesting script and Google Sheet template, so I thought I’d share it with the world.
Trello Kanban like Board for Issues and Tasks Tracking
Posted on • Tagged with dev trello
I have been experimenting with Trello with my coworkers and I found that using a Kanban like Boards for our organization’s IT issues, was working for us, so I thought I’d write about it.