Tagged “google-sheets”
Google Sheets script for Trello V2
Posted on • Tagged with google-sheets trello dev productivity
Since I have posted the Google Sheets script for Trello I made some updates to include members assigned to card and customfields value (power-up), so I thought I’d share the code.
Getting Organized with Google Sheets – Everything in one place
Posted on • Tagged with dev google-sheets productivity
A nice hack on how to Get Organized with Google Sheets and have Everything in one place.
Google Sheets Script for Web Apps
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Another Google App Script to show HTML as a web app following the same rules as in my previous post.
Google Sheets Script for email report
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A general purpose script to send the emails from contents of a specific sheet. When combining the script, with Google Spreadsheet build in functions and event triggers (in my case Time Driven triggers), you can pretty much automate any kind of report you like.
Google Sheets script for Trello
Posted on • Tagged with dev google-sheets trello productivity
I thought it might be interesting to have a Google Sheet with all the Trello Cards. I started working on it and I ended up with an interesting script and Google Sheet template, so I thought I’d share it with the world.
PRINCE2 Project Management with Google Sheets
Posted on • Tagged with dev google-sheets
I thought it would be nice to setup some Google Sheets to better manage the project. The idea was to create all my PRINCE2 Registers and Logs on Google Sheets and then have a Dashboard like Sheet (as in the picture above) to easily review the Project and create my Reports (such as Highlight reports). It all seems to have worked out nicely for me, so I thought I’d share my setup.