Tagged “dsf”
govcy-frontend-prototype: A dynamic prototype tool
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A tool that builds functional prototypes for gov.cy services, using data instead of code.
Building a Dynamic HTML Renderer with Nunjucks and JSON Templates
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An overview on how a dynamic HTML renderer (gocvy-frontend-renderer) works
Enhancing the Unified Design System with automated visual testing (by DSF)
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How DSF uses Percy to perform automatic visual regression testing, to improve the quality of the Unified Design System and provide a more reliable user experience
gov.cy Design System update (V.3.0.0) – Unified Design System
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A post, about the release from Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus of version 3.0.0 of the gov.cy design system. This is a total redesign of the design system, with branding and styling changes, updated and new components, to accommodate both services and websites.
Improving Accessibility: Lessons from making design elements screen reader-friendly (by DSF)
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A post from the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus, on how DSF tried to evolve the screen reader capabilities of their components.
How to use the Figma community library file to design digital services (by DSF)
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A short post from the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus, on how to use their Figma community library file to design digital services as per our Design System.
How to create new design elements using the utility classes (by DSF)
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A step-by-step guide for developers, from the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus, on how to create a brand new HTML design element using the gov.cy utility classes.
How to create a page using the gov.cy design system (by DSF)
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A step-by-step guide for developers, from the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus, on how to create a simple question page using DSF's reusable components.
Designing the Design System (by DSF)
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The way the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus creates consistent, clean, accessible and intuitive user experience throughout the services.