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govcy-frontend-prototype: A dynamic prototype tool

Building high-quality prototypes for government services is often slow and requires coding skills. Designers and researchers need realistic, interactive prototypes for user testing, validating designs, and stakeholder demos, but manually coding them is inefficient. To solve this, I’ve been working on a tool that lets us build functional prototypes for services, using data instead of code.

govcy-frontend-prototype takes the approach of the renderer (discussed in a previous post) a step further. Instead of just rendering individual UI components, it enables teams to prototype entire services or websites using the Unified Design System without manually coding HTML.

Use cases

We’ve used it in our team to:

  • Perform user research with high quality HTML prototypes
  • Showcase services to stakeholders
  • Help the design team understand how the end product will look like
  • Help developers to see how HTML elements are rendered through the Unified Design System developed assets
  • Test new design system components
  • Validate compliance with accessibility standards and guidelines early in the design process
  • Showcase the use of the govcy-frontend-renderer

It can also be used for a wide range of use cases, such as:

  • Test and iterate on new service designs before committing to production development
  • Demonstrate the functionality and flow of a service for internal training or onboarding
  • Quickly create mockups for presentations, workshops, or stakeholder meetings
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams by providing a tangible reference for discussions
  • Compare alternative design solutions side-by-side for decision-making
  • Test integration of design system components with service-specific content and layouts
  • Serve as a lightweight, hostable reference for external contractors or partners working on service-related projects

Check out some prototype examples build with this tool:

How does it work

This prototype tool is built using Eleventy as the static site generator and govcy-frontend-renderer for dynamically rendering UI components. Here’s why:

  • Eleventy (11ty)
    • 11ty is a lightweight and flexible static site generator that allows fast prototyping without requiring a complex backend.
    • Supports Nunjucks templates, which makes it easy to structure and reuse design components.
    • Generates pure static HTML, which is perfect for hosting on GitHub Pages or any simple web server.
    • Fast and efficient, enabling quick iteration on designs without unnecessary build complexity.
  • govcy-frontend-renderer
    • Dynamically renders UI components based on JSON or Nunjucks templates, eliminating the need to manually write HTML.
    • Ensures design consistency by using the Unified Design System components automatically.
    • Allows easy modification and iteration—prototypes can be adjusted just by changing JSON data instead of editing raw HTML.
    • Helps developers preview exactly how components will render using the same assets as the production environment.

Together, these tools allow designers, researchers, and developers to quickly build realistic prototypes that are visually accurate, accessible, and easy to modify—all without writing any custom HTML.

How the prototype tool works

The sites’ JSON defines the prototyping sites. To simplify the creation of prototypes, our team uses a custom made Figma plugin to generate the site data in JSON format.

Here’s an example JSON template page:

"site" : {
"id" : "site1",
"lang" : "en",
"title" : {"en":"Service title", "el":"Τιτλός υπηρεσίας"},
"headerTitle" : {"en":"Header title", "el":"Τιτλός επικεφαλιδας"},
"description" : {"en":"Service description", "el":"Περιγραφή υπηρεσίας"},
"url" : "",
"isTesting" : true,
"cdn" : {
"dist" : "",
"cssIntegrity" : "sha384-1zLHWOtnS0hOIz5mVEPZp0UH5gUE6eo0CQcCGA3sF2TyYhHyKOd3Ni8Iy/NjEASU",
"jsIntegrity" : "sha384-zOuDuogVaaTveh/Ou2iYwCk14zFiSmMk7Ax8yRnXDtOJMyKZH5+ZNibNVwZSKtw+"
"sections" : [
"name": "header",
"elements": [
"element": "htmlElement",
"params": {
"text": {
"en": "<h1>Custom header</h1>",
"el": "..."
"pages": [
"pageData": {
"url": "page1",
"title" : {"en": "Home page", "el": "Πρώτη σελίδα"},
"layout" : "layouts/govcyBase.njk",
"mainLayout" : "max-width"
"pageTemplate": {
"sections" :[
"name": "beforeMain",
"elements": [
"element": "backLink",
"params": {
"name": "main",
"elements": [
"element": "form",
"params" : {
"id": "DSFPrototypeForm",
"elements" :[
"element": "textInput",
"params": {
"label": {
"en": "What is your name?",
"el": "Ποιο είναι το ονοματεπώνυμο σας;"
"isPageHeading": true,
"id" :"inName",
"name" :"inName"
"element": "button",
"params": {
"text": {
"en": "Continue",
"el": "Συνέχεια"
"type": "submit"
"pageData": {
"url": "page2",
"title" : {"en": "Page 1", "el": "Σελιδα 1"},
"layout" : "layouts/govcyBase.njk",
"mainLayout" : "two-thirds"
"pageTemplate": {
"sections" :[
"name": "beforeMain",
"elements": [
"element": "backLink",
"params": {
"name": "main",
"elements": [
"element": "form",
"params" : {
"id": "DSFPrototypeForm",
"elements" :[
"element": "textInput",
"params": {
"label": {
"en": "What is your email?",
"el": "Ποιο είναι το email σας;"
"isPageHeading": true,
"id" :"inEmail",
"name" :"inEmail"
"element": "button",
"params": {
"text": {
"en": "Continue",
"el": "Συνέχεια"
"type": "submit"
"routes" : {
"all" : [

If there is a need for more complicated pages that are not supported through JSON, the prototype tool has the ability to combine JSON and Nunjucks templates within the same service or website prototype.

More details and instructions on how to use the package are included in the projects read me file.


govcy-frontend-prototype makes prototyping services faster, more accessible, and easier. By combining Eleventy and govcy-frontend-renderer, teams can create realistic, interactive prototypes that look and function like real services—without writing HTML.

© Constantinos Evangelou, 2025