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Google Sheets Script for Web Apps

Following on the post for Google Sheets Script for email Report, I wrote another Google App Script to also show HTML as a web app following the same rules as in my previous post.

To publish the Google App Script I used the “Publish as Web App” functionality.

Publish web app screenshot

See below the actual script I used.

* Send email, displays HTML or send dynamic notifications of the sheet contents based on the options defined in the "Options" sheet.
* The "Options" sheet, must have the following values in row 6
* |name | title | headersAtRow | display | columnsToSend | Email Addresses Column | Current Date | Emails addresses | Message Prefix | Message PostFix | Subject
* The first 5 columns concern Information about which sheets to send the email and what content. Can have more that 1 row for each sheet to send. 1 row for each sheet.
* Email Addresses to send the notifications
* The next 5 columns concern Information about the notification email header. Only 1 row of options is valid
* More details about the columns of "Email Options" sheet:
* - name: The name of the sheet (per sheet)
* - title: The Title of the sheet to be displayed in the email (per sheet)
* - headersAtRow: Where is the header row located in the sheet. The header will contain the titles of the columns and the next row will contain the data (Row 1 is 0) (per sheet)
* - display: The display format of the content in the email. Can be 1 of the following formats: table, list, numbered, lines, boxes1, boxes2, boxes3,
* chart_bar, chart_column, chart_line, chart_scatter, chart_area, chart_pie, chart_table, title (Not linked to a sheet) ,paragraph (Not linked to a sheet) (per sheet)
* - columnsToSend: Which columns to include in the contents of the email, separated by comma. (Column A is 0). Example 0,1,2 (per sheet)
* - Email Addresses Column: Column with Email Addresses to send the notifications. Separate emails with a comma on dynamic emails
* - Current Date: The current date (No need to change this)
* - Emails addresses: Email addresses to send the notifications. Separate emails with a comma
* - Message Prefix: The notification message header (in HTML Format)
* - Message PostFix: The notification email footer (in HTML Format)
* - Subject: The subject of the enail

function dynamicEmail(emailOptionsSheet,enableStackdriverLogging, logingName, replaceLinks) {
try {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.time(logingName + " - dynamicEmail");
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - dynamicEmail STARTED");

//default values
if (emailOptionsSheet == null) emailOptionsSheet="Email Options";
if (enableStackdriverLogging == null) enableStackdriverLogging=false;
if (logingName == null) logingName = "";
if (replaceLinks == null) replaceLinks = false;

// get active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetUrl = ss.getUrl();

//get Options start---------------------------
var sOptions2=ss.getSheetByName(emailOptionsSheet);
var sOptions2range = sOptions2.getDataRange();
var sOptions2values = sOptions2range.getDisplayValues();

//get header options
var email = sOptions2values[5][7];
var messageSubject = sOptions2values[5][10];
var message = "";

//get HTML message
var templData = prepareTemplateData(emailOptionsSheet,enableStackdriverLogging, logingName,replaceLinks);
var countEmails = 0;
var dynamicEmailObj = {};
//for each section evaluate the template
for (var i = 0; i < templData.sections.length; i++) {
//for every email in dynamic emails
for (var j = 0; j < templData.sections[i].dynamicEmails.length; j++) {
var emailPattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/;
//check if is email
if(emailPattern.test(templData.sections[i].dynamicEmails[j]) == false) {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " dynamicEmail: Email NOT VALID - " + templData.sections[i].dynamicEmails[j]);
} else {
//if new email initialize
if (!dynamicEmailObj[templData.sections[i].dynamicEmails[j]]) {
dynamicEmailObj[templData.sections[i].dynamicEmails[j]] = [];

var dynamicEmailObjData = {"data":templData.sections[i].data[j],"headers":templData.sections[i].headers, "style":templData.sections[i].style[j]};
//get the object keys (basically emails)
var objKeys = Object.keys(dynamicEmailObj);
for (var i = 0; i < objKeys.length; i++) {
//create template based on display
var t = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("templ_dynamicEmail");
t.title = templData.title;
t.messagePreFix = templData.messagePreFix;
t.messagePostFix = templData.messagePostFix; = dynamicEmailObj[objKeys[i]];
var ht= t.evaluate().addMetaTag('viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1');//.getContent();

//send email
to: objKeys[i],
subject: templData.title ,
htmlBody: ht.getContent()});

} catch (e) {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.error(logingName + " dynamicEmail ERROR: " + e);
} finally {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - dynamicEmail ENDED");
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.timeEnd(logingName + " - dynamicEmail");


/** Send email of the sheet contents based on the options defined in the "Email Options" sheet.
* @param {string} emailOptionsSheet the sheet name for the Email Options. Default is "Email Options"
* @param {boolean} enableStackdriverLogging True to enable Stackdriver Logging. Default is false
* @param {string} logingName logging name to be appended in the message. Default is ""
* @param {boolean} replaceLinks True to replace links with <a href...> tags. Default is false
* @return {void} Not applicable.

function emailSheetContent(emailOptionsSheet,enableStackdriverLogging, logingName, replaceLinks) {
try {
//default values
if (emailOptionsSheet == null) emailOptionsSheet="Email Options";
if (enableStackdriverLogging == null) enableStackdriverLogging=false;
if (logingName == null) logingName = "";
if (replaceLinks == null) replaceLinks = false;

if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.time(logingName + " - emailSheetContent");
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - emailSheetContent STARTED");

// get active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetUrl = ss.getUrl();

//get Options start---------------------------
var sOptions2=ss.getSheetByName(emailOptionsSheet);
var sOptions2range = sOptions2.getDataRange();
var sOptions2values = sOptions2range.getDisplayValues();

//get header options
var email = sOptions2values[5][7];
var messageSubject = sOptions2values[5][10];
var message = "";
//get Options end---------------------------

//Sheet to HTML
message = htmlSheetContent(emailOptionsSheet,enableStackdriverLogging, logingName, replaceLinks, "templ_email").getContent();

//if message is generated send email
if (message != "") {
to: email,
subject: messageSubject,
htmlBody: message});
} catch (e) {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.error(logingName + " ERROR: " + e);
} finally {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - emailSheetContent ENDED");
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.timeEnd(logingName + " - emailSheetContent");


* Include contents of an HTML file in another. Usefull when including stylesheets or JS
* @param {string} filename The filename of the file to be included in HTML
* @return {string} The HTML.

function include(filename) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile(filename).getContent();
* Create the HtmlOutput based on a sheet contents defined in the "Email Options" sheet. Information about options in function "emailSheetContent"
* @param {string} emailOptionsSheet the sheet name for the Email Options. Default is "Email Options"
* @param {boolean} enableStackdriverLogging True to enable Stackdriver Logging. Default is false
* @param {string} logingName logging name to be appended in the message. Default is ""
* @param {boolean} replaceLinks True to replace links with <a href...> tags. Default is false
* @param {string} masterTemplate master Template name
* @return {HtmlOutput} The HTML Output

function htmlSheetContent(emailOptionsSheet,enableStackdriverLogging, logingName, replaceLinks, masterTemplate) {
var ht = null;
try {

//default values
if (emailOptionsSheet == null) emailOptionsSheet="Email Options";
if (enableStackdriverLogging == null) enableStackdriverLogging=false;
if (logingName == null) logingName = "";
if (replaceLinks == null) replaceLinks = false;
if (masterTemplate == null) masterTemplate = "templ_index";

var t = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile(masterTemplate);

if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.time(logingName + " - htmlSheetContent");
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - htmlSheetContent STARTED");

// get active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetUrl = ss.getUrl();

//get HTML message
var templData = prepareTemplateData(emailOptionsSheet,enableStackdriverLogging, logingName,replaceLinks);

var sectionsHTML = "";
//for each section evaluate the template
for (var i = 0; i < templData.sections.length; i++) {
var templateName = 'templ_' + templData.sections[i].display;
var chart = null;
if (templData.sections[i].display.indexOf("chart")>-1) {
//create chart object
switch(templData.sections[i].display) {
case "chart_bar":
chart = Charts.newBarChart().setDataTable(templData.sections[i].data).setDimensions(750, 600).build();
case "chart_column":
chart = Charts.newColumnChart().setDataTable(templData.sections[i].data).setDimensions(750, 600).build();
case "chart_line":
chart = Charts.newLineChart().setDataTable(templData.sections[i].data).setDimensions(750, 600).build();
case "chart_scatter":
chart = Charts.newScatterChart().setDataTable(templData.sections[i].data).setDimensions(750, 600).build();
case "chart_area":
chart = Charts.newAreaChart().setDataTable(templData.sections[i].data).setDimensions(750, 600).build();
case "chart_pie":
chart = Charts.newPieChart().setDataTable(templData.sections[i].data).setDimensions(750, 600).build();
case "chart_table":
chart = Charts.newTableChart().setDataTable(templData.sections[i].data).setDimensions(750, 600).build();
case "chart_table":
chart = Charts.newTableChart().setDataTable(templData.sections[i].data).setDimensions(750, 600).build();

//output html from chart object
var htmlOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput().setTitle(templData.sections[i].title);
var imageData = Utilities.base64Encode(chart.getAs('image/png').getBytes());
var html = "<img class='img-responsive' alt='If you cannot see the image your applications does not suport it.' border=\"1\" src=\"" + "data:image/png;base64," + encodeURI(imageData)+ "\">";

templData.sections[i].data = html;
templateName = "templ_chart_bar";
//create template based on display
var templ_section = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile(templateName);
templ_section.templDataSection = templData.sections[i];
sectionsHTML = sectionsHTML + templ_section.evaluate().getContent();


//Create template
var templ_index = t;
t.messagePreFix = templData.messagePreFix;
t.messagePostFix = templData.messagePostFix; =sectionsHTML;
ht = t.evaluate().addMetaTag('viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1');

} catch (e) {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.error(logingName + " ERROR: " + e);
ht = false;
} finally {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - htmlOutput: " + ht.getContent());
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - htmlSheetContent ENDED");
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.timeEnd(logingName + " - htmlSheetContent");
return ht;

* Prepares the data for the templates based on a sheet contents defined in the "Email Options" sheet. Information about options in function "emailSheetContent"
* @param {string} emailOptionsSheet the sheet name for the Email Options. Default is "Email Options"
* @param {boolean} enableStackdriverLogging True to enable Stackdriver Logging. Default is false
* @param {string} logingName logging name to be appended in the message. Default is ""
* @param {boolean} replaceLinks True to replace links with <a href...> tags. Default is false
* @return {json} The Template data.

function prepareTemplateData(emailOptionsSheet,enableStackdriverLogging, logingName,replaceLinks) {
//template Data ********************************************* Init
var templData = {"messagePreFix" : "", "messagePostFix" : "", "title":"", "sections" : []};
try {
//default values
if (emailOptionsSheet == null) emailOptionsSheet="Email Options";
if (enableStackdriverLogging == null) enableStackdriverLogging=false;
if (logingName == null) logingName = "";

if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.time(logingName + " - prepareTemplateData");
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - prepareTemplateData STARTED");

var sheetsToEmail = [];

// get active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetUrl = ss.getUrl();

//get Options start---------------------------
var sOptions2=ss.getSheetByName(emailOptionsSheet);
var sOptions2range = sOptions2.getDataRange();
var sOptions2values = sOptions2range.getDisplayValues();
var sOptions2lastRow = sOptions2range.getLastRow();

//for each row in body options sheet
for (var f = 5; f < sOptions2lastRow; f++) {
sheetsToEmail[f-5] = {name: "" + sOptions2values[f][0], title: sOptions2values[f][1], headersAtRow : parseInt(sOptions2values[f][2],10)
, display: sOptions2values[f][3], columnsToSend: sOptions2values[f][4].split(",")
, emailColumn: sOptions2values[f][5]};

if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - prepareTemplateData Options set");

//get header options
//var email = sOptions2values[5][7];
var messagePreFix = sOptions2values[5][8];
var messagePostFix = sOptions2values[5][9];
var messageSubject = sOptions2values[5][10];

templData.messagePreFix = messagePreFix;
templData.messagePostFix = messagePostFix;
templData.title = messageSubject;
//get Options end---------------------------

// fop each Sheet defined in body options
for (var h=0; h<sheetsToEmail.length; h++) {
if (!sheetsToEmail[h].display) {break;}

//template Data ********************************************* title and display
var templDataSection = {"title" :"", "display" : "", "headers" : [], "data" : [], "style" : [], 'dynamicEmails' : []};

if ((sheetsToEmail[h].display != "title") && (sheetsToEmail[h].display != "paragraph")) {
//Get sheet
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetsToEmail[h].name);
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var values = range.getDisplayValues();
var backgrounds = range.getBackgrounds();
var color = range.getFontColors();
var fontWeights = range.getFontWeights();
var fontStyles = range.getFontStyles();
var fontLines = range.getFontLines();
var lastRow = range.getLastRow();

//template Data ********************************************* Headers
for (var g = 0; g < sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend.length; g++) {
templDataSection.headers[g] = values[sheetsToEmail[h].headersAtRow][sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend[g]];

var countRows=0;

if (templDataSection.display.indexOf("chart")>-1) { = ss.getRange(sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend);
} else {

//for each row in sheet
for (var i = sheetsToEmail[h].headersAtRow + 1; i < lastRow; i++) {
//template Data ********************************************* Data and style inir[countRows] = [];[countRows] = [];

//for each columnsToSend
for (var j = 0; j < sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend.length; j++) {
//Write values ---- MESSAGE ---
var cssStyle="background-color:" + backgrounds[i][sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend[j]]
+ ";color:" + color[i][sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend[j]]
+ ";font-weight:" + fontWeights[i][sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend[j]]
+ ";font-style:" + fontStyles[i][sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend[j]]
+ ";text-decoration:" + fontLines[i][sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend[j]]
+ "";
//template Data ********************************************* Data and style
var valueData = values[i][sheetsToEmail[h].columnsToSend[j]];
//replace html with links
if (replaceLinks) {
//var exp = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
var exp = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])(?![^<>]*>(?:(?!<\/?a\b).)*<\/a>)/ig;
valueData=valueData.replace(exp, "<a href='$1'>$1</a>");
valueData=valueData.replace(/\n/g,"<br />");
}[countRows][j] = valueData;[countRows][j] = cssStyle;
//to be used in dynamic emails
if (!isNaN(sheetsToEmail[h].emailColumn)) {
templDataSection.dynamicEmails[countRows] = values[i][sheetsToEmail[h].emailColumn];

//template Data *********************************************
templData.sections[h] = templDataSection;

} catch (e) {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.error(logingName + " ERROR: " + e);
templData = null;
} finally {
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log({message: 'logingName + " - prepareTemplateData', initialData: templData});
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.log(logingName + " - prepareTemplateData ENDED");
if (enableStackdriverLogging) console.timeEnd(logingName + " - prepareTemplateData");
return templData;

I also created different HTML Files to be used as templates for the different display options. See below an example template:

<h3><?!= templDataSection.title ?></h3>
<div class="row">
<? //for all data rows
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { ?>

<div class="col-md-4"><div style="border-radius: 3px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
border: 1px solid #ffffff;
text-align: center;

<? //for all data columns
for (var j = 0; j <[i].length; j++) { ?>

<div style='<?![i][j]?>;<? if (j==1){?>font-size:45px;<?}else{?>font-size: 16px;<?}?>line-height: 1.5;padding: 5px;'><?![i][j]?></div>
<? } ?>
<? if ((i+1) %3 == 0) {?>
<div class="row">
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
© Constantinos Evangelou, 2025