Writing a good README file
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Documentation is a key for any coding project and the README file is a big part of it. In this article you can find some best practices on how to write a good README file.
How to create new design elements using the utility classes (by DSF)
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A step-by-step guide for developers, from the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus, on how to create a brand new HTML design element using the utility classes.
How to create a page using the design system (by DSF)
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A step-by-step guide for developers, from the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus, on how to create a simple question page using DSF's reusable components.
Designing the Design System (by DSF)
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The way the Digital Services Factory (DSF) Cyprus creates consistent, clean, accessible and intuitive user experience throughout the services.
GitLab CI/CD and React Tests
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An example of Continuous Integration, this time with unit testing react components.
GitLab CI/CD and GitLab Pages
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In this post I will try and explain how to deploy a simple javascript application on GitLab pages, using Continuous Deployment with a live working example.
How I made my wordpress a PWA
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I discovered that it is fairly simple to convert your wordpress into a Progressive Web App, so I thought I’d share my experience
How I made my app a PWA
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A guide on through how I turned my last app into a PWA.
Why I made my app a PWA
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A walk through why I developed the Intellectual and Industrial Property eServices app as a Progressive Web App (or simply PWA).
Google Sheets script for Trello V2
Posted on • Tagged with google-sheets trello dev productivity
Since I have posted the Google Sheets script for Trello I made some updates to include members assigned to card and customfields value (power-up), so I thought I’d share the code.
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