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Online search registry (cRegistry)

Recently I had a chance to create an online search system which can basically connect to any database type and search and display information. I tried to make the system as configurable as possible and it should be easy to adapt in any business environment so I thought I’d share my work. I called my system cRegistry (supposed to stand for Common Registry) :-). You can visit a demo here and I have uploaded the code here. I didn’t create a git this time, rather just shared a Dropbox folder with the code as I don’t think I will be making many modifications.

cRegistry Description

cRegistry is a system that can create search forms, display search results, details on selected items and even static pages, from different databases. The definitions of the search forms, display search results and details can be defined in configuration files without changing the code. Also the UI and static pages are controlled by templates again without changing the code.

General Features

  • API Based + javascript application
  • Technology: PHP, Javascript, Slim Framework, JWT, mustache js
  • Can connect to any database (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase)
  • Keeps error log file with archiving rule
  • Google Analytics
  • Google invisible reCAPTCHA

See below some screenshots of the main type of pages supported by the system:

Static pages

Home page screen shot

Search Forms, Search Results

Search screen shot


Details screen shot

cRegistry Characteristics


  • Responsive, mobile first works on all devices
  • Uses twitter bootstrap, best practices on UI
  • Works on all modern browsers
  • Complete control over Presentation
  • Printer friendly
  • Uses hashed variables (enable use of navigation functionality of browsers and direct access to information with links)
  • Has maintenance mode

Performance focused

  • All ajax minimum load time
  • Data exchanges with the API with only minimum information


  • without changing the code
    • Can add more search services in both the API and Client app (configs)
    • can add more client applications to it
    • Can easily add static content
  • Multi-language


  • read only on data
  • connect to external databases
  • Security against bots with invisible recaptcha + access tockens


  • All open source no additional cost
  • Can easily be maintained (small code)


  • Can reuse data from different sites and services and deploy within 1-2 months


  • Javascript enable
  • Search must be able to be executed with 1 select statement
  • Does not handle replication of data (internal database to external) or images
  • Database tables should be optimized
  • Doesn’t handle payments
  • Doesn’t handle logins

Framework Explained

The system uses simple REST web services to show search results and details. Specifically it uses the following web services:

getResults : Handles requests the get search results requests

getDetails : Handles requests the get details requests

getConfig : Gets the configuration details for the client application

auth : for authentication based on the client id (in this case the JS application’s client id) and if enabled in the config file.

All system configuration is defined in the api/config.php file where the database connections, general settings, search and details queries and client application settings are defined.

On the client javascript application the options.js file is used to define the client id. Under the tmpl folder, the templates and localization text are defined for each service (that were defined in the config.php)

More details on the flow of the system is described in the diagram below:
cRegistry flow diagram

API Options

All of the system’s API Options are defined in the api/config.php file.

cRegistryOptions - API Options

Options of the API define the details of the and the API requests. They are defined in the api/config.php under $cRegistryOptions variable array.

See below the details of the options file

Name Description Parent Type
proxy Proxy for connecting to the internet url:port
isMaintenance If true noting is returned http status is returned 503 and no data re returned by the API. Also a setting doMaintenance on the client side is set to true Boolean
searchActions All the API calls are defined here. Below the getResults and getDetails POST requests are defined which define a complete cRegistry service. Each element in the array is one service of getResults and getDetails. In the example below the design service is define Array

For each Service

Name Description Parent Type
id The ID of the service. Must be the same as the parent element of the array Service String
connection The connection id as defined in the $connectionOptions array Service String
searchsqlbody The selectfromjoins part of the search sql. It is the start for defining the getResults request Service SQL String
searchsqlwhere The first where part. It must include the keyword where to work and it will be the first element in the where clause. The rest of the where clause will be constructed depending on the parameters passed and the searchoptions defined below Service SQL String
searchsqlend The last part of the sql query. Usually the order by and limit keywords are included here. Service SQL String
searchoptions The definition of the filter options that can be defined for this service. These sql where parts will be inclided in the where clause if a parameter is passed in the array of the request body array i.e. [{"name":"InputName","value":"value"}] Service Array
detailssql The main sql query that will produce the results of the getDetails request, together with the detailsarrayssql results Service SQL String
detailsarrayssql The results of these sql queries will be included in the getDetails request. Note that these sqls need a parameter ID to be passed (see getDetails API reference) Service Array of SQL String

For each searchoptions

Name Description Parent Type
addwhere The SQL where part that corresponds to that option searchoptions SQL String
islike If this is a like searchoptions Boolean


$cRegistryOptions = array(
'proxy' => '',
'isMaintenance' => false,
'searchActions' => array(
'design' => array(
'id' => 'design',
'connection' => 'dsViewDB',
'searchsqlwhere' => 'WHERE a.ACTIVEROW = 1',
'searchsqlend' => ' ORDER BY a.APPLICATIONNUMBER desc LIMIT 1000',
'searchoptions' => array(
'Application_No' => array (
'addwhere' => 'AND a.APPLICATIONNUMBER like :Application_No',
'islike' => true
),'Description' => array (
'addwhere' => 'AND a.DESCRIPTION like :Description',
'islike' => true
'detailssql' => 'SELECT * FROM design a where a.APPLICATIONNUMBER = :id',
'detailsarrayssql' => array (
'DesignImages' => 'SELECT a.FILENAME as Filename FROM designimage a INNER JOIN design b ON a.DESIGNID=b.DESIGNID WHERE b.APPLICATIONNUMBER = :id AND a.ACTIVEROW = 1',
'Classification' => 'SELECT a.CLASSIFICATIONNUMBER as Locarno_Classification FROM classification a INNER JOIN design b ON a.DESIGNID=b.DESIGNID WHERE b.APPLICATIONNUMBER = :id AND a.ACTIVEROW = 1'

cRegistryClientOptions – Client Options

The client options define the client applications that use the API. They reside on the server side under api/config.php under $cRegistryClientOptions variable array. The client application options can be retrieved by the getConfig request.

Each element in the root array defines a client application.

See below the details of the options file for each client.

Name Description Type
key Key for signing the JWT’s, I suggest generate it with base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(64)) String
issuer JWT Issuer String
audience JWT Audience String
refreshin When the client should refresh the JWT token Number
expire When the JWT token expires Number
doCaptcha true to do google recaptia authentication Boolean
captchaSecret google recapthca secret key String
captchaUrl google recaptcha url String:Url
simplePageRoutes Define the simple (Presentation) Pages. These pages may also include the search form. The template and localization for each page are defined in the folder tmpl/pageRoute/. See more under ??? Clinet side Array of Strings
searchPageRoutes Define the search Pages. The template and localization for each page are defined in the folder tmpl/pageRoute/. See more under ??? Clinet side Array of Strings
detailPageRoutes Define the search details Pages. The template and localization for each page are defined in the folder tmpl/pageRoute/. See more under ??? Clinet side Array of Strings
allowedWebServices Define the web services getResults and getDetails. On the defined web services in this array will be allowed for the specific client. Array of Strings
doAnalytics True to send analytics details to google analytics Boolean
analyticsClientId The google analytics client id String
resourceVersion The resources (templates and localizations) version number. Change this when you want to force the client cache to be reset Number


= array(
'xxxxxxxxx' => array(
'key' => 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', // Key for signing the JWT's, I suggest generate it with base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(64))
'issuer' => 'DRCORRegistry', //JWT issuer
'audience' => 'DRCORRegistry_clients', //JWT audience
'refreshin' => '10', // Adding 15 minutes to refresh (when the client should refresh the token)
'expire' => 60, // Adding 30 minutes to expire (When the JWT token expires)
'doCaptcha' => false, //true to do google recaptia authentication
'captchaSecret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', //google recapthca secret key
'captchaUrl' => '', //google recaptcha url
//define simple pages
'simplePageRoutes' => array('trademark','design','publications','about','help','contact','disclaimer'),
//define search pages
'searchPageRoutes' => array('trademark','design','publications'),
//define details pages
'detailPageRoutes' => array('trademark','design','publications'),
//define web services
'allowedWebServices' => array('trademark','design','publications'),
//google analytics
'doAnalytics' => false,
//google anlytics client id
'analyticsClientId' => 'UA-102006363-1',
//clinet resources version
'resourceVersion' => '4'

connectionOptions – Connection Options

The connection options define database and file connections that the API uses. They are defined under api/config.php under $connectionOptions variable array.

Each element in the root array defines a data connection.

See below the details of the options file for each client.

Name Description Type
id The id of the connection. Must be the same as the array element name String
server The server location (ip or domain) String
port The database connection port number Number
user The database connection user nane String
pass The database connection password String
name The database name OR the path in case of a filesystem provider String
provider The data provider. Note that specific driver must be installed. The providers that are supported are mysqlsqlsrvocisybasefilesystem (This is not a database connection but for searching i files) String


$connectionOptions = array (
"dsViewDB" => array (
"id" => "dsViewDB",
"server" => "localhost",
"port" => "",
"user" => "user",
"pass" => "password",
"name" => "databasename",
"provider" => "mysql"

API Reference

Authorize and authenticate based on client id and response from google recaptcha (in the body of the request)


Name Value
Request Method POST
URL Breakdown api/auth/:clientId/:language
Request Headers
Authorization Bearer :JWT i.e. xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type application/json
Accept text/plain
Request Body {“response” : “:reCapchaCode”}

Example Request:

POST api/auth/99999999/el HTTP/1.1
Host: userver:8080
Connection: keep-alive
Origin: http://host:8080
Accept-Language: el
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: text/plain
Cache-Control: no-cache

Sample Return:



Handles requests the get search results requests

Name Value
Request Method POST
URL Breakdown api/getResults/:action/:clientId/:language
Request Headers
Authorization Bearer :JWT i.e. xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
Request Body :FormValues i.e. [{"name":"InputName","value":"value"}]

Example Request:

POST api/getResults/design/99999999/el HTTP/1.1
Host: userver:8080
Connection: keep-alive
Origin: http://host:8080
Accept-Language: el
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache


Sample Return:

"applicationnumber": "78721 ",
"verbalelement": "mas supermarkets",
"tyfeature": "Combined",
"tycurrentstatuscode": "Registered",
"expirydate": "2017-10-26",
"filename": "CY502010000078721"
"applicationnumber": "42887 ",
"verbalelement": "PS PHILIPS SUPERMARKET",
"tyfeature": "Word",
"tycurrentstatuscode": "Expired",
"expirydate": null,
"filename": null


Handles requests the get details requests

Name Value
** Request Method** POST
URL Breakdown api/getDetails/:action/:id/:clientId/:language
Request Headers
Authorization Bearer :JWT i.e. xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type application/json
Accept text/plain
Request Body Empty

Example Request:

POST api/getDetails/design/201600018/99999999/el HTTP/1.1
Host: userver:8080
Connection: keep-alive
Origin: http://host:8080
Accept-Language: el
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: text/plain
Cache-Control: no-cache

Sample Return:

"verbalelement": "mas supermarkets",
"applicationnumber": "78721",
"dtapplication": "2010-10-26",
"registrationnumber": "78721",
"recordals": [
"date": "2010-11-18",
"event_description": "Η αίτηση καταχώρησης εμπορικού σήματος καταχωρήθηκε"
"date": "2012-05-11",
"event_description": "Awaiting for publication"
"date": "2012-06-20",
"event_description": "The Mark No. 78721 was published in gazette 4240, section Μέρος 2° - Υπηρεσίες, ΚΛΑΣΗ 36"
© Constantinos Evangelou, 2025