Evernote – Business Taveling Master Note Template
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Further on the whole notion of Master notes described on Daniel E. Gold’s book “Guide To Capturing Everything and Getting Things Done”, I have created a template that I use for business traveling which I am presenting in this post.
I talked about Business Traveling before where I described 4 Templates for my travels. In an attempt to evolve, I now have merged those templates to come up with 1 master note for easier access to information. Having one or more notes is really a matter of personal preference (though it does affect how productive you are). What I really want to point out in this post is that having templates on repeating procedures can help do things a lot faster and increase the quality of your work.
Again the structure of the Master Note below has been adjusted to my needs and the procedures of my organization, so it might not apply to everyone. Here it is:
Business Travel Master Note V.1
Meeting Info
@Requested by: ______________
@Date: ______________________
@At: ________________________
Travel Details
Flight Details
For easy access to flight information on the go, copy paste the flight schedule here.
Boarding Pass:
Attach images here
Attach images here
Accommodation Details
Attach confirmation for booking.com or other source on accommodation.
Also write down the address of the accomodation.
Have a screenshot of a google map of the area of the hotel.
Other Transport Details
Attach confirmation of other transports and any details you might need
Invitation & Agenda
Attach invitation and agenda documents.
Contact Details
Address and other contact details for the meeting.
Contact details of other people you will need for the meeting.
Attach presentation files.
Project Files
Attach Project files.
Other Files
Attach any other files you might need.
Meeting Notes
Notes of the meeting (minutes)
Attach any hand written notes.
Administration Notes
Attend Note
Note to department for attending meeting. Can either attach or link.
Report Note
Report note of the meeting. Can either attach or link.
Remuneration Details
Any remuneration details such as bank details and address. Needed before the meeting.
Remuneration Receipts/ Attachments
Attach remuneration form.
- [x] Inform Head of department
- [x] Agenda
- [x] Remuneration details
- [ ] Initial Investigation
- [ ] Financial Investigation
- [ ] Note for travel approval
- [ ] Inform Meeting Organizers that you are attending and who else
- [ ] Check validity of Traveling Documents (id, passport)
- [ ] General Travel Research (flights, hotels[wifi], travel to hotel, place of meeting )
- [ ] Local Research (weather, power outlets, transportation etc)
- [ ] Research and work on meeting subject
- [ ] Issue Tickets
- [ ] Book Hotel
- [ ] Get remuneration details needed if applied
- [ ] Check in flight
- [ ] Prepare luggages (see checklist)
After travel
- [ ] Inform department on meeting
- [ ] Report note
- [ ] Traveling Expenses note
Checklist before flight
- [ ] Meeting documents
- [x] Agenda
- [x] Remuneration details
- [x] Other
- [ ] Boarding Passes
- [x] Traveling Documents (id, passport)
- [x] Money
- [ ] Hotel Reservations
- [ ] Clothes
- [ ] Maps, contact details
- [x] Computers and charging wires.